

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

FlexiLEX is a boutique team of legal experts dedicated to providing high-quality and expeditious legal advice. We have grown out of a collaboration launched in 2009, and are now supporting Clients in several business hubs around the world.

Yes & no. FlexiLEX operates similarly to some large international law firms with a commercial company leading operations and localized partners providing the legal services. Depending on their local regulations, a partner may provide legal advice operating as a law firm or through other authorized modes of professional legal practice. All of our partners are highly-trained legal professionals who have graduated prestigious law schools and have years of experience in one or more of our practice areas.

Our distinctive vision (detailed on the Home page) is what makes us different. It is upon this vision that we have built our entire Team and structure, and it is this approach that dictates the way we operate in our daily legal practice.

For three practical reasons:

  1. cost savings: we negotiate discounted bulk rates with our partners; if you order through FlexiLEX you benefit from lower rates than a partner’s standard rates
  2. error checking: FlexiLEX counsel are always cc’d in communications between you and a local partner; you are thus assured that a second opinion is already built into the process (at no extra cost), which is crucial for complex legal matters
  3. globalized support: FlexiLEX counsel ensure that you are provided high-quality, tailored advice that takes into consideration your overall legal and business situation; you receive a globalized approach that – per definition – a local partner is not in a position to provide

Although we are huge fans of technology as a tool for Good, unfortunately the corporations that currently control the main social media outlets are more interested in their own profits than in using technology to build a better world for everyone. This has repeatedly lead to substantial harm, suffering, and even deaths. (For more information on this topic, please visit The Mozilla Foundation .)

As legal professionals, we are particularly conscious of data privacy and data protection, and are thus aware that these companies’ business model is built on monetizing human data, including data that our Clients would inadvertently generate by interacting with anything we would post on social media.

Given this state of affairs, we cannot, in good conscience, participate in this system, nor generate the free content and data that drives it. What limited social media presence we do have serves chiefly to protect our Clients’ and our own intellectual property rights.

FlexiLEX has a core Team of five to ten counsel based in our various home countries, with at least one person or entity covering a given practice area. The number varies mainly based on caseload and availability. We try to keep this number relatively low to maintain the fun atmosphere of a friendly boutique-style firm.

Yes. All initial consultations are free, and we may offer free subsequent consultations to eligible parties (e.g. a charity).

Most likely yes. We also offer project-based pricing which can also be more economical than time-based rates. Please check the relevant practice area page for pricing and contact information.




  • Registered in England & Wales
  • Registration N° 13204748
  • MTM 82 King Street
    Manchester, M2 4WQ